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[React] immutable Failed to compile

by CaffeLatte 2020. 11. 18.

개발서버 구동시...

Failed to compile.

SyntaxError: ...\node_modules\immutable\contrib\cursor\index.js: Unexpected token (25:0)

  23 |   '\n' +
  24 |   'https://github.com/redbadger/immutable-cursor\n' +
> 25 | );
     | ^
  26 | 
  27 | /**
  28 |  * Cursor is expected to be required in a node or other CommonJS context:

해당 에러가 발생할 경우,

실수로 IDE의 자동완성 기능으로

import { from } from 'immutable/contrib/cursor';

... 와 같은 import가 되었는지 확인해보고 삭제하자!

'프로그래밍 > React' 카테고리의 다른 글

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